15 Creative Tomato Cage Ghosts to Haunt Your Yard This Halloween

A photo of a Halloween-themed yard with 15 tomato cage ghosts

Hey there, fellow Halloween enthusiasts! It’s that spooky time of year again, and boy, do I have a treat for you today. We’re gonna dive into the world of tomato cage ghosts – yep, you heard that right! Who knew those boring ol’ garden supports could be transformed into the stars of your Halloween decor? Buckle up, because I’m about to share 15 wickedly creative ideas that’ll have your neighbors green with envy (or maybe white with fright?).

Why Tomato Cage Ghosts Are the Unsung Heroes of Halloween Decor

Before we jump into the nitty-gritty, let me tell you why I’m obsessed with tomato cage ghosts. First off, they’re cheap as chips. I mean, who doesn’t love a budget-friendly DIY? Plus, they’re super easy to make, even for us craft-challenged folks (trust me, I’ve had my fair share of Pinterest fails).

But here’s the kicker – these ghostly creations are versatile as heck. You can scatter them around your yard, line them up along your driveway, or even create a spooky ghost army on your front porch. The possibilities are endless!

Now, let’s get to the good stuff. Here are 15 creative tomato cage ghost ideas that’ll make your yard the talk of the town this Halloween.

1. Classic White Sheet Ghost

1. Classic White Sheet Ghost Simple and Spooky Yard Decor
Classic White Sheet Ghost

Let’s start with the OG of tomato cage ghosts – the classic white sheet version. This was my first attempt at Halloween decor way back when, and lemme tell you, it’s still a crowd-pleaser.

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Black fabric paint or markers
  • String lights (optional)

How to make it:

  1. Flip your tomato cage upside down so the wider end is at the top.
  2. Drape the white sheet over the cage, letting it pool slightly on the ground.
  3. Use black fabric paint or markers to create simple eyes and a mouth.
  4. For an extra eerie effect, stuff some string lights inside before adding the sheet.

Pro tip: Don’t aim for perfection here. The wonkier the eyes, the more character your ghost will have. Trust me, I learned this the hard way after spending hours trying to make perfectly symmetrical eyes. Spoiler alert: It didn’t work, and the lopsided version ended up being way cuter anyway.

2. Glowing Neon Ghost

2. Glowing Neon Ghost Bright and Colorful Halloween Decoration
Glowing Neon Ghost

Ready to take your ghost game up a notch? Let’s add some color to this party!

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Neon fabric paint
  • Black light

How to make it:

  1. Follow the steps for the classic white sheet ghost.
  2. Instead of black eyes and mouth, use neon fabric paint to create funky designs all over the sheet.
  3. Set up a black light nearby to make your ghost glow in the dark.

I tried this one last year, and holy moly, it was a hit! The neighborhood kids went nuts for it. Just be prepared for some “oohs” and “aahs” – and maybe a few requests from neighbors wanting to know your secret.

3. Bride of Frankenstein Ghost

3. Bride of Frankenstein Ghost Classic Horror Vibes for Your Yard
Bride of Frankenstein Ghost

Who says ghosts can’t be glamorous? This Bride of Frankenstein-inspired ghost is perfect for adding a touch of classic horror to your yard.

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Black fabric or felt
  • White spray paint
  • Hot glue gun

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Cut a tall, beehive-shaped piece from black fabric or felt for the hair.
  3. Spray paint some twigs or small branches white for that iconic streaked look.
  4. Hot glue the “hair” and “streaks” to the top of your ghost.

Full disclosure: My first attempt at this looked more like a bad hair day than the Bride of Frankenstein. But after a few tweaks (and maybe a glass of wine for inspiration), I nailed it. Don’t be afraid to experiment!

4. Ghostly Trio

4. Ghostly Trio Create a Haunting Vignette with Three Ghosts
Ghostly Trio

Why stop at one ghost when you can have three? This idea is perfect for creating a spooky vignette in your yard.

What you’ll need:

  • 3 tomato cages of varying heights
  • White sheets or fabric
  • Black fabric paint or markers
  • Fishing line

How to make it:

  1. Create three basic white sheet ghosts using different sized cages.
  2. Arrange them in a group, with the tallest in the back and the shortest in front.
  3. Use fishing line to connect the ghosts, making them look like they’re floating together.

I set up a ghostly trio near my mailbox last Halloween, and let me tell you, it spooked the living daylights out of our poor mailman. Sorry, Dave!

5. Mummy Ghost

5. Mummy Ghost Wrap Your Yard in Spooky Style
Mummy Ghost

Time to wrap things up with this mummy-inspired ghost! (See what I did there?)

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • Lots of gauze or cheesecloth
  • Red fabric paint
  • Hot glue gun

How to make it:

  1. Start with your upside-down tomato cage.
  2. Wrap strips of gauze or cheesecloth around the cage, leaving some gaps for that mummy look.
  3. Use red fabric paint to add creepy eyes peering out from the wrappings.
  4. Secure any loose ends with hot glue.

Word to the wise: Don’t be stingy with the gauze. I made that mistake once and ended up with a ghost that looked more like it had a bad case of toilet paper static cling than a proper mummy. More is definitely more in this case!

6. Pirate Ghost

6. Pirate Ghost Ahoy Matey Halloween with a Ghostly Pirate
Pirate Ghost

Ahoy, matey! This pirate ghost is sure to be the terror of the seven seas… er, I mean, your front yard.

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Black fabric or felt
  • Red fabric or felt
  • Toy pirate accessories (eye patch, sword, etc.)

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Cut out a pirate hat shape from black fabric or felt and attach it to the top.
  3. Use red fabric or felt to make a bandana or sash.
  4. Add pirate accessories like an eye patch or a toy sword.

Fun fact: I made this ghost last year and named him “Boo-beard.” My kids groaned at the pun, but I saw them giggling every time they walked past it. Mission accomplished!

7. Disco Ghost

7. Disco Ghost Funky and Fun Ghostly Decor
Disco Ghost

Who says ghosts can’t boogie? This funky phantom will have your yard dancing all night long.

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Disco ball (or make your own with a styrofoam ball and mirror tiles)
  • Colorful LED lights
  • Sunglasses

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Hang a small disco ball inside the cage before adding the sheet.
  3. String colorful LED lights around the outside of the ghost.
  4. Place a pair of funky sunglasses where the eyes would be.

I gotta admit, I got a little carried away with this one. Ended up blasting ABBA’s “Dancing Queen” on repeat for the entire month of October. The neighbors weren’t thrilled, but hey, that’s showbiz, baby!

8. Ghostly Garden

8. Ghostly Garden Floral Ghost for Halloween and Garden Lovers
Ghostly Garden

Why not combine your love for gardening with your Halloween spirit? This ghost is perfect for those of us who can’t bear to say goodbye to our green thumbs, even in October.

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Fake flowers and vines
  • Small garden tools
  • Straw hat

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Weave fake flowers and vines through the cage and sheet.
  3. Attach small garden tools like a trowel or watering can to the ghost’s “hands.”
  4. Top it off with a straw hat for that gardener look.

This ghost was a real hit with my gardening club. We had a good laugh imagining what kind of spectral vegetables it might be growing. Ghost peppers, anyone?

9. Weather Ghost

9. Weather Ghost Ready for Any Forecast Even Halloween
Weather Ghost

This next idea is perfect for all you weather enthusiasts out there. Why not create a ghost that’s always ready for any forecast?

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Blue fabric paint
  • Cotton balls
  • Small umbrella
  • Sunglasses

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Use blue fabric paint to add raindrop shapes on one side of the ghost.
  3. Glue cotton balls to the other side for a cloudy effect.
  4. Have the ghost hold a small umbrella in one “hand” and wear sunglasses.

I tried this one out last year, and wouldn’t you know it, we had the craziest weather that Halloween. Rain, sun, even a bit of snow! My weather ghost was prepared for it all, unlike yours truly who got caught in a downpour while trick-or-treating. Learn from my mistakes, folks!

10. Ghostly Chef

10. Ghostly Chef Cook Up Some Spooky Fun
Ghostly Chef

For all you foodies out there, how about a ghost that’s always ready to whip up a spooky feast?

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Chef’s hat
  • Apron
  • Wooden spoon
  • Plastic or toy food items

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Place a chef’s hat on top and tie an apron around the “waist.”
  3. Have the ghost hold a wooden spoon in one “hand.”
  4. Scatter some plastic or toy food items around the base of the ghost.

I got a little carried away with this one and ended up creating a whole ghostly kitchen scene on my front porch. The pizza delivery guy was pretty confused when he showed up, but hey, at least he got a laugh out of it!

11. Bedtime Ghost

11. Bedtime Ghost Adorable Sleepy Ghost for Halloween
Bedtime Ghost

Who says ghosts don’t need their beauty sleep? This adorable bedtime ghost is perfect for adding a touch of whimsy to your Halloween decor.

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Nightcap (or make one from fabric)
  • Small pillow
  • Teddy bear

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Place a nightcap on top of the ghost’s head.
  3. Tuck a small pillow under one side of the ghost.
  4. Have the ghost hold a teddy bear in its “arms.”

This ghost was inspired by my own bedtime struggles. I figured if I can’t get enough sleep, at least my ghost decoration can! The kids in the neighborhood absolutely loved it, especially the teddy bear touch.

12. Ghostly Artist

12. Ghostly Artist Creative Ghost Ready to Paint
Ghostly Artist

For all the creative spirits out there, why not make a ghost that’s always ready to paint its next masterpiece?

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Beret or artist’s hat
  • Paintbrush
  • Small canvas
  • Plastic palette with paint blobs

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Place a beret or artist’s hat on top.
  3. Have the ghost hold a paintbrush in one “hand” and a small canvas in the other.
  4. Attach a plastic palette with paint blobs to one side.

I tried to paint some “ghostly abstracts” to display alongside this ghost, but let’s just say I won’t be quitting my day job anytime soon. Stick to the crafts, folks, and leave the fine art to the professionals (or the ghostly artists)!

13. Surfer Ghost

13. Surfer Ghost Cowabunga Catch Waves with this Ghost
Surfer Ghost

Cowabunga, dudes! This gnarly ghost is ready to catch some spectral waves.

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Small surfboard (or make one from cardboard)
  • Hawaiian shirt
  • Sunglasses
  • Seashells or sand for base

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Cut holes in the sheet and drape a Hawaiian shirt over it.
  3. Have the ghost hold a small surfboard.
  4. Add sunglasses where the eyes would be.
  5. Scatter seashells or sand around the base for a beachy vibe.

I set this ghost up next to our kiddie pool last Halloween. It looked a bit out of place in our Midwestern backyard, but hey, a ghost can dream of beach vacations too, right?

14. Ghostly Bookworm

14. Ghostly Bookworm A Literary Ghost for Halloween
Ghostly Bookworm

For all you literature lovers out there, here’s a ghost that’s always got its nose in a book.

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Reading glasses
  • Stack of books
  • Book light

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Place reading glasses where the eyes would be.
  3. Have the ghost “hold” a stack of books.
  4. Attach a small book light to one of the books.

As a bit of a bookworm myself, this ghost holds a special place in my heart. I may have gotten carried away and given it some of my favorite novels to “read.” Here’s hoping it has good taste in literature!

15. Sporty Ghost

15. Sporty Ghost Ready to Play Ghost for Halloween Fun
Sporty Ghost

Last but not least, let’s not forget about our athletic apparitions!

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato cage
  • White sheet or fabric
  • Sports jersey
  • Baseball cap
  • Various sports equipment (ball, racket, etc.)

How to make it:

  1. Create your basic white sheet ghost.
  2. Cut holes in the sheet and put a sports jersey over it.
  3. Place a baseball cap on top, turned backwards for extra cool points.
  4. Surround the ghost with various sports equipment.

I made this ghost wearing my favorite team’s jersey. It must’ve been good luck because they actually won a game that season! Coincidence? I think not.

Wrapping It Up (Ghost Pun Intended)

Well, folks, there you have it – 15 creative ways to turn those humble tomato cages into the stars of your Halloween decor. From classic spooks to themed spectres, there’s a ghost here for every haunt… I mean, home.

Remember, the key to great Halloween decorations is to have fun with it. Don’t stress if your ghosts don’t look exactly like the ones in your head (or in this blog post). Each wonky eye or lopsided sheet adds character and makes your creation unique.

And hey, if all else fails and your ghost looks more like a sad pile of laundry than a spooky spectre, just tell everyone it’s a modern art installation. Works every time!

So grab those tomato cages, round up some old sheets, and let your imagination run wild. Your yard will be the talk of the neighborhood in no time. And who knows? You might just inspire the next generation of ghostly gardeners, disco-dancing spirits, or bedtime-loving apparitions.

Happy haunting, everyone! And remember, when life gives you tomato cages, make ghosts. It’s what any self-respecting Halloween enthusiast would do.

P.S. If you see a woman frantically gathering tomato cages at the garden center in July, don’t judge. It’s probably just me getting a head start on next year’s ghostly army. After all, you can never have too many tomato cage ghosts, right? …Right?

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